Tuesday 25 November 2008

How very dare you!

I realise Facebook could not remain advert free forever, it is after all a marketing wet dream! Mark Zuckerberg may apologise for the adverts and he may insist they are to ensure the site stays free but I have a sneaky suspicion his bank manager is very happy for him.

I am happy for any person's success as long as it isn't detrimental to other people but I do take umbrage at being 'targeted' by ads because of the information in my profile. I have recently changed my profile information to reflect my new fabulous single status so I have listed 'men' as my interest. The adverts quickly changed from credit cards, loans and mobile phone networks to gay dating sites, saunas and life coaching... yes! Life coaching?!

What on earth does this suggest the marketing gurus behind the adverts on facebook think of gay men?

If I were to invest any money in these services and/or products my typical day could be the following...

I would wake up in my gay flat with my gay flat mates courtesy of prideroomates.com and then I can check my emails and messages for gay.com and gaydar. I wouldn't need to let the cats out as they now have cat flaps that open for them which are programmed to recognise their microchips [my prayers have been heard]!

When at work, I could use my work computer to book my next all-gay cruise with Altantis or I could search the online database at Loopylove to find gay men in the UK (as if its not easy enough).

During my lunch I could pop into Utopia Spa to use the sauna and when my working day is done I can use the gym practising the five tips for a flat stomach or take the supplements I purchased to achieve that perfect physique which all gay men must be after.

I would return to my pink home at the end of the day (remembering I have no need to let the cats in) squealing with delight when greeted by my gay flatmates. We would later discuss our sauna sessions and the 'hot' new guys we've found online but first I would need to have a session with my life coach.

Not a bad day for many... but... just because a man wants to list himself on his facebook profile as interested in men facebook assumes he's a pink poofy queen who calls his ass a manny!

How very dare you!!


Kapitano said...

Change your interest to...

* God
* Jesus
* America
* George Bush
* God
* The Bible
* Homosexualist Devients
* Protocols of the Elders of Zion
* 911-Truth
* God
* Prayer
* Jewish Conspiracy History
* Family Values
* Pat Robertson
* Muslim Terrorists
* God

...for just one day. And see what wonderful new adverts you get.

See how many don't change.

The Mistress said...

What do you call your ass?

Hello Kapi.

Hardhouse said...

Kapitano: I wonder what the lesbians get?

MJ: Two eggs in a hanky or just ARSE!!

The Mistress said...

Please submit a photo of your two eggs in a hanky to Mistress MJ for her collection of Alluring Arses.

The Mistress said...

And an eerie silence fell over the blog.

Hardhouse said...

I'll get a piture to you MJ

Having hedonistic weekend ;o)